IF you are need an Transcript below is a link for the directions: then choose which option you need Unofficial or Official.
Transcript Request – Lanier Technical College
Lanier Tech uses Parchment to send official Lanier Technical College transcripts. (this is a separate account from Lanier Tech)
- If you already have a Parchment account, you can log in and add Lanier Tech as one of your institutions.
* This will be the users personal email address and the password they created when they set up the account.
If you do not remember this password, then you will need to select forgot password.
-Otherwise, you can create an account here: Lanier Technical College Transcript Request | Parchment.
Transcripts are $7.50 each and can be mailed or sent electronically.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Office of the Registrar
email: registrar@laniertech.edu
web: www.laniertech.edu