this works prior to Dec 31, If after Dec 31 -skip this step
Prior to the installation and configuration, go to the Laker Login Portal (
Sign in, and in the upper right corner beside your name, click the drop down arrow.
Click Settings
Scroll down to the Security Methods section
Keep this window open, but minimized for now. We will come back to this shortly.
Create a Folder in in My Documents Name it 2fastAuth (this will be needed during setup of the app)
Go to the Microsoft Store
search from 2fast - Two Factor Authenticator
click the Download Button
In the upper right corner of your browser, you should see one of the 2 windows below. If given the option to open file, simply click there. Otherwise, click the executable and follow the prompts for installation.
the downloading screen will appear
If it does not automatically open, you may have to click the open button:
This page will also show you a Tutorial if you DON'T click the skip button (we recommend viewing the tutorial)
Continue with setup
click Create new Data file (first start)
Click Choose local path button
Browse to the 2fastAuth folder in your documents folder, that you created earlier.
The path should look similar to this: c:\users\{your username}\OneDrive - Lanier Technical College\Documents\2fastAuth\
Click Select Folder
You will need to create a unique password. REMEMBER this password as you will need it each time you open the authenticator app. This password does not change and is not your LTC password. Keep this password safe and do not share with anyone.
Once Form is complete,
Click: Create data file button
Click Add account
At this point, open your minimized window that shows your Security Methods:
Click the Set up button next to Google Authenticator:
once you verify login in
Click the Set up button (pictured below)
Verify your identity again
**open your snipping tool and take a snippet of your QR code**
You only want the QR code, do not include any other parts of the web page, example below:
click on the snip-it pop-up in the bottom right of screen and leave it open (this will be used shortly)
Navigate to the 2fast - two factor authenticator
Click Scan key-QR-code
find the snip-it QR code and click on it.
click OK
This window opens with your information:
***If error message appears see the Manual notes below: ****
Click Create Account:
your account will be listed under accounts
then take that code and put it in your Laker Login (the code will change often)
***Manual Notes***
If the method above does not work for you, choose Manual input on the 2FA configuration
Inside the Laker Login Portal, at your QR code screen Click Can't scan (under the QR code)
A Secret Key Field will appear which consists of letters and numbers. This key will have to be entered manually into the Secret Key field inside the 2FA manual entry.
Don’t forget to create a Label and account name. The label is your descriptive name for your account. Ex: LTC-{username}. The Account name is your email address.
If you haven’t already done so, type in the Secret key field in the 2fastAuth Create a new account window.
click Expert settings (you may have to scroll down to see this)
then click Create account
Go back to the Laker Login Portal window and enter the code to complete your setup. The code is on a timer which changes every 30 seconds, so be quick.
If you have any problems, just submit a helpdesk ticket. You can simply email to create a ticket. Make sure to include 2FA help in your subject line. Also, include a good time and callback number. Due to the security that has been enabled with the Authenticator, we are unable to connect remotely and set this up for you, but will be happy to assist over the phone, or schedule an appointment for an in person visit.