Specific personnel in LTC Student Affairs have access to Remind Advanced Messaging.  To utilize the messaging, there are two parts; 1. Create the file with the list of student's BannerIDs you wish to message.  2. Login to Remind and send the message.

After you get the listing of BannerIDs into Excel (outside the scope of this HOWTO), use the following procedure to properly format the file.


  1. Remove all columns from the file except for the column with the student's BannerID (910 number).  Delete any column header/title row so cell A1 is an actual student number.
  2. In cell B1, enter the following formula:    =A1&"_student"       and press enter.  B1 should have the student number from A1 plus "_student"
  3. Click/drag the cell using the lower right small square (see picture) down to populate the remainder of rows in the B column: 
  4. Highlight all of column B and copy.
  5. Select cell C1 and right click and select Paste->Values as in the following image:
  6. Delete the A and B column.  The C columne should still contain data.
  7. Insert a new row at row 1 and type student_number into cell A1 to appear like so:
  8. Save the file as type Comma Separated Value file (CSV).  This is the file that you will upload into the Remind system.


  1. Login to remind.com (hint: you can use the Login with Google option and sign in with your LTC email/password).
  2. At the top left, choose New Message and then select the tab Upload list of Student Numbers to access the Advanced Messaging function.
  3. Use the directions to upload the file created in the first part of these directions.
  4. Verify the list of students and click Continue.
  5. Type your message and click Send.