“Your webex token has expired. Please use the logout button in the upper right of your Virtual Meeting window to log out of Webex and sign back in.”
Please make sure to Log Out of Webex and then sign in again.
The logout button is not obvious, but it is in the top right corner (see image below).

Here are some other things to try.
- Use another browser.
- Make sure you added Webex from the add Tool Link Icon on the Blackboard Main Menu (see image 1 & 2 below)
- On the setup, choose Virtual Meetings and apply (see image 3 below)
- Click on the Virtual meetings tab and then click New Meeting (see image 4 below)
- Click on the Support button at the top right corner (image 4) for more directions.
- Review the directions that are found in the support center (image 5 below)
Please let me know if this is still an issue and I will be happy to schedule a time to review this with you.
You can give me a call or send an invite to meet in person or online.
Let me know what works best for you. You can reply to this email or call me (770-533-6925).